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"To collect, preserve, and make available theological resources for all in search
 of a deeper understanding
 of God"


"All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for
every good work."
2 Timothy 3:16-17





Theology Proper:
A category of study within systematic theology; it denotes the study of the nature and existence of God.



The word revelation is derived from the Greek word apokalupsis, which means "disclosure" or "unveiling." Hence, revelation signifies God unveiling Himself to mankind.




Theology Blogs

theology exchange

>The Theology Exchange - a new theology focus blog by Dr. Samuel Galloza (Click)

PDF Books

>Repentance - by Thomas Watson (View Book)

Other similar books (Go To Other books)

Online Books

>The Arthur Custance Library - The Doorway Papers by Arthur Custance - (Go to the Custance Library)


>The Doctrine of Original Sin, by Dean Harvey (View Article)

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Online Resources

>Free Bible Commentary - Produced by the ministry of Dr. Bob Utley, these verse-by-verse, exegetical video, audio and printed commentaries are committed to the trustworthiness and authority of Scripture, emphasizing the intent of the original inspired author by means of their:
1. Historical Setting 2. Literary Context 3. Grammatical Features 4. Choice of Words 5. Genre 6. Parallel Passages
 (View Bible Commentary)

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Research Tools

>Dictionary of Theology - Provided by The Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry (View Theology Dictionary)

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Website On The Spotlight

>National Religious Leaders Release Historic Declaration on Christian Conscience
Click on banner below to read declaration.

The Manhattan Declaration

>Power to Change - If you can change one thing in your life, what would it be?

Click here to visit website!


 Online Bible - KJV

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Library Notes


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Systematic Theology


systematic theology image

Does systematic theology present a science that can be regarded to be fixed and final?

The idea of anything that may be regarded as fixed and final stands at the pinnacle of the presuppositions of modern liberal theologians. Modern science and the accepted idea that all things are progressive in their nature continues to attempt to dismiss the concept of a science or study in something that is fixed and unchanging. Systematic theology presents itself as the study of God in a science that reveals His unchanging character as found in the Scriptures themselves. This then presents the argument for whether in Systematic Theology the Scriptures themselves can represent the findings necessary to be regarded as a trusted source for the conclusion of a fixed view of God.

Henry C. Thiessen explains it in this manner:

"For generations theology has been considered the queen of the sciences and systematic theology the crown of the queen. Theology itself is the science of God and his works and systematic theology is the systematizing of the findings of that science. Some deny that theology is a science, doubting whether we can reach any conclusions in this field that can be regarded as certain and final. influenced by the current philosophy of pragmatism, the modern theologian begins with the dictum that in theology, as in all other field of inquiry, belief must never go beyond the mere setting up of a working hypothesis; it must never be expressed as something that is regarded as fixed and final. Having rejected the Bible as the infallible and inerrant Word of God and having accepted the view that everything is in a flux, the liberal theologian holds that it is unsafe to formulate any fixed views about God and theological truth. Evangelical scholarship, however, believes that there are some things in the world that are stable and fixed. It points to the regularity of the heavenly bodies, of the laws of nature, and of the science of mathematics as the basic proofs for this belief. Science may question the regularity even of the laws of nature, but the experienced believer in God sees in these apparent irregularities the intervention of God and the manifestation of his miraculous power. He maintains that while the apprehension of the divine revelation is progressive, the revelation itself is as stable as the righteousness and truth of God themselves. He, therefore, believes in the possibility of theology and of systematic theology, and he regards them with the same favor as did the ancients. Even the modern student who does not formulate his theological beliefs has fairly definite views with regard to the major questions in the field. The reason for this is found in his own mental and moral constitution. But what is the nature of theology?"

(Excerpt: Lectures in Systematic Theology, by Henry C. Thiessen)


More on systematic theology.














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