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Online Christian Library
of Virtual Theological Resources

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 The NTSLibrary
A Christian Educational Services Library Project
Sponsored by Northwestern Theological Seminary
and Northwestern Christian University

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Theology Proper:
A category of study within systematic theology, it denotes the study of the nature and existence of God.



The word revelation is derived from the Greek word apokalupsis, which means "disclosure" or "unveiling." Hence, revelation signifies God unveiling Himself to mankind.


Theology Blogs

theology exchange

>The Theology Exchange - a new theology focus blog by Dr. Samuel Galloza (Click)

PDF Books

>Repentance - by Thomas Watson (View Book)

Other similar books (Go To Other books)

Online Books

>The Arthur Custance Library - The Doorway Papers by Arthur Custance - (Go to the Custance Library)


>The Doctrine of Original Sin, by Dean Harvey (View Article)

Other articles (Go To Other Articles)

Online Resources

>Free Bible Commentary - Produced by the ministry of Dr. Bob Utley, this verse-by-verse, exegetical video, audio, and printed commentaries are committed to the trustworthiness and authority of Scripture, emphasizing the intent of the original inspired author by means of their:
1. Historical Setting 2. Literary Context 3. Grammatical Features 4. Choice of Words 5. Genre 6. Parallel Passages
 (View Bible Commentary)


Other resources (Go To Other Resources)

Research Tools

>Dictionary of Theology - Provided by The Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry (View Theology Dictionary)

Other tools (Go To Other Library Tools)

Website On The Spotlight

>National Religious Leaders Release Historic Declaration on Christian Conscience
Click on the banner below to read the declaration.

The Manhattan Declaration

>Power to Change - What would it be if you could change one thing in your life?

Click here to visit the website!

 Online Bible - KJV

Click the banner to open the PDF file!

online bible


Library Notes

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>>To recommend a religious theological resource to this online Christian library, send an email to:

>>Visitors of the library are welcome to open and/or download any book listed in the Online Christian PDF Books Listing. However, copyright laws may apply to books.



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A Virtual Theological Library of Choice by Bible Students & Scholars

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NTSLibrary resources and literature online are made available
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This library offers:

  • Biblical and Religious Studies

  • Online Directory of Christian Theological Articles - Articles written on theological, apologetics, and other religious topics.

  • World Religious and Secular News Today- Current online links to Christian and secular world news.

  • Online Christian PDF Books - Free Ebooks Directory of free downloadable PDF books.

  • Online Research Tools

  • Internet Theology Resources - Student Research Topics provides Christian theological resources on systematic theology, homiletics, hermeneutics, western theology, philosophy, leadership, and psychology.

  • Online Christian Classifieds - Online Christian advertisements of jobs, services, and more

  • Spanish Christian Library Section

In addition, international newspapers and magazines of Christian and secular natures, other online Christian libraries, and much more...

The library's purpose is to offer online religious theological study as well as personal anytime reading, to be visited daily. This is achieved by providing free Christian books to its visitors.

NTSLibrary - Online Christian Library is regularly updated. It is non-denominational, representing a diverse selection of theological positions for the purpose of providing the reader with information on different positions which may challenge our thinking on an existing position and thereby lead, through study, to a more educated understanding.

Daily Library Devotional

By Warren Wiersbe

Prayer, Praise & Promises Daily Devotional
A Walk Through The Psalms - Updated Daily

Read or hear Bible text online: bible
Provided by Bible Gateway.Com, an online Bible in over 35 languages

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For religious theological searches...

Online Christian Library Mission

"To collect, preserve, and make available theological resources
for all in search of a deeper understanding of God"

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"All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work."
2 Timothy 3:16-17

Northwestern Christian University

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theology blog

100 Top Christian Books on Amazon


Online Christian Library Theological Virtual - NTSLibrary has been experiencing a number of design changes in the past months. The designer is organizing an online Christian library that provides references to world religions that may be more easily navigated. This is a process of establishing and organizing a vast amount of data and resources into a system that can be more easily updated and maintained. Managing the available literature online in a virtual theological library requires adding and updating the information regularly to allow for resources to be found interlinked throughout the website. The goal of NTSLibrary is to have an online Christian library that provides visitors with a website that offers a more easily navigatable experience. Religious theological content and new pages linking the information of the Christian library will be updated for this purpose.

The NTSLibrary continues to modify formats and links on this online theological library so it may continue adding religious theology resources, Christian books, and references for a virtual online learning and theological research experience.

Online Theological Libraries provide a large amount of data made available throughout the internet for the purpose of increasing religious knowledge in theological topics. The religious contents found throughout the online libraries may include information from other religious beliefs outside of Christianity better to provide an understanding of other beliefs and doctrines. The NTSLibrary also functions in this manner, although the majority of information found in its archives is of Christian religious nature.

The theological content of this online Christian library provides a compiled list of resources available on various religious topics without promoting just a singular denominational theological position. This was intentionally done to provide visitors with a larger scope of references on religion than other online theological libraries, which may provide biased information due to inclinations to a denominational or theological position.

The NTSLibrary - as an Online Theological Library, continues to add information and access to other resources for the study of religion and theology. The library will also include more content for researching and understanding the differences and/or similarities of theologies that exist between religions such as Christianity,
Jewish, Muslim, and other religious beliefs that are found in the world today.

The NTSLibrary is an online study resource center for the benefit and free use of all Bible students and guests. This library project continues to be a leading resource for online research in the study of the Bible. Christian Educational Services, LLC's mission is to continue providing, at no cost to guests, access to all of the materials found in this library. Christian Educational Services, LLC encourages all visitors to help others in their learning by recommending the use of this library as a resource in their studies.

The NTSLibrary is visited by guests in over 125 countries every month, making a contribution to the education and preparation of many students and workers literally around the world.

If you would like to assist the NTSLibrary in this online library project by blessing this service with a financial gift of any size, please click on the Contribution link in the navigational box on the upper left-hand side of any page. Your contributions are highly appreciated and used toward the continued growth of this project.

The material found in the Online Christian Library Theological Virtual - NTSLibrary does not necessarily represent the views of any organization or person outside the NTSLibrary. Information is provided solely for research and as a resource to students and guests of the library. The information found in the online Christian library website has as its sole purpose the distribution of gathered data for research purposes. Its contents in no way reflect the beliefs or positions of any person or organization in or outside of the NTSLibrary.

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